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The famous german scout tent, the Kohte.

There are lots of variations of this tent, so its nessesery to contact us, so that we can figure out which tent is the perfect one for you.

Diameters: 4m or 5m
Fabric : 100% cotton, in 2 different qualitys 280g/m2 and 340g/m2
Side hight: depends, from 0 - 90 cm

As you can see there are lots of possiblitys thats why you should contact us, so that we can offer you the perfect tent for you.

Im Sortiment seit: 30th of May 2017
Schlagwörter: kohte black tent cotton

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The famous german scout tent, the Jurte.

There are lots of variations of this tent, so its nessesery to contact us, so that we can figure out which tent is the perfect one for you.

Diameters: 6m, 8m and 9,20m.
Fabric : 100% cotton, in 2 different qualitys 280g/m2 and 340g/m2
side hight: varies between 1,65cm and 2,09.

Its also possible to have windows in this tent or a combination between non- and windowed sides.

As you can see there are lots of possiblitys thats why you should contact us, so that we can offer you the perfect tent for you.

Im Sortiment seit: 30th of May 2017
Schlagwörter: Jurte black tent

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Flying Dutchman

With our Black Tents you will be able to build huge castles.

Here you can see an example with pirates.

We will upload more of this castles in the future, to give you impressions on what you could do with this tents.


Im Sortiment seit: 10th of December 2015
Schlagwörter: black castle pirates ship dutchman holländer

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Gubbel OutDoor
Rolf: +49 172 8272518
Jan: +49 152 33723841

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